Tuesday, August 17, 2010

'Tis Tuesday and still hot!

Good Morning from Texas!
I hope you had a nice productive day or a restful day yesterday, whichever the case might have been for your cup of tea.

I had a one o'clock Dr appointment so needless to say, the rest of the day was shot for me. Oh my! The sun on the open downtown parking lots was brutal! I have a legal handicapped parking permit & of course, all those places were full (90% had no visual means of being legal...always a bone of contention with me) so that means I had a fair way to walk in the summer heat & humidity on a dark pavement. GASP But I persisted & prevailed.

I hope your day is a delight ahead with good thoughts & happiness coming your way!

Block: 'Bachelor's Puzzle' from the book 'Sylvia's Bridal Sampler'.


  1. Maybe if they made the fines a nice fat $1,000 some of these lazy people will park where they belong.


  2. Riley, Would you do a blog entry on how you pick your colors? I would love to hear your process.

  3. My MIL is in a wheel chair now, but has had issues walking ever since I have known her. Just makes me mad when perfectly healthy people take those handicapped parking spots. She used to just skip what she needed to do and go on home if she couldn't find a handicapped spot to park in. I usually park a long ways away and walk to the store, etc. I need the exercise. (grin) Another lovely block. It was only about 74* here today. Felt great, but the heat is coming back. Have a great day. Winona

  4. Nice block!

    Its getting a little cooler here...only in the 90s.

  5. I miss your blog posts. Hope everything is ok.

  6. For those of you who may not know...

