Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday Again!

Good Morning from Texas!

Here we are , already staring at the week end. I used to look forward to the week end with mixed feelings. I always had so much to do to catch up from working that I was sometimes ready to go back to work to get away from such. :) Now days, I rack around here by myself & do what ever I wish to do mostly. Not much gets out of place.

I am still working away on quilting Jane. The joints are beginning to protest so perhaps I will quilt the rest of the day & then play with piecing a few Sylvia blocks over the week end.
I need to be more careful of my pressing....this block is straight but you would never know to look at it here. I don't seem to worry too much abt that since I tend to 'man handle' them until they are in the quilt itself.

Ya'll have a wonderful week end, where ever you might be.

Block: "Mrs Cleveland's Choice", from the book of 'Sylvia's Bridal Sampler'


  1. You always do a great job. I almost dread weekends now since it means another week has just sped by! Used to look forward to them. How things change!

  2. Ahh Riley, another great block. You must be a lot neater than I am. LOL I use things and neglect to put them back until I can no longer tolerate the mess. Have a great weekend down there in Texas. We are getting a wee break from the heat, but it is supposed to hit us full force again Sunday. I will be staying in where it is cool. (grin) Winona

  3. Another lovely block, it doesn't look stretched out to me :0)


  4. Riley, Your block looks perfect, as always!

    I have to tell you I have that problem with pressing. The block looks great and then I press and the distortion sets in. Of course, It's only a problem with the tiny blocks with many seams, but those are the ones we love to do LOL :)
