Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Quilting Gadgets

Good Morning from Texas!

I have been cleaning / straightening the main closet that I keep quilting supplies in. Now mind you, there are a few odds & ends of quilting goodies of some sort in most of the house. The little buggers sneak here & there when I am not looking, I am thinking.

I am a gadget person. Love any & all gadgets. I am not too much taken in by those ads that promise they can make you grow eyelashes long enough to french braid or rub this miracle liquid on that wrinkle & it is forever gone--I am a skeptic on those.

But quilting gadgets--OH MY! I am a sucker for those! Looking at the closet contents of gadgets, I must have been buying them by the truck loads!

This little gadget gives you such a SCANT quarter inch seam that you will be the envy of all your quilting friends. Un huh... (If it is a SCANT quarter inch, then it is NOT a quarter inch any more? It either is a quarter inch or it is not?)

This miracle pencil marks a line that no matter how bad your eyes are, you can see the line.Today's special is only $49.99 . plus shipping & handling! Un huh...

As an added bonus for an extra $19.95,(PLUS shipping & handling of course) buy this 1/4 oz liquid that magically erases all traces of that miracle line(offered above) you just drew on that heirloom quilt. Un huh...

Today's Special: Buy this handy quilter's helper that you attach to your quilting frame , go to sleep for a good night's sleep & by morning, it will have quilted your quilt. For an unbelievable $29.95(plus shipping & handling) buy this wonderful invention to add to the quilting frame & it will bind your quilt! Un huh...

The list goes on & on with claims as outrageous(almost! ;) ) as I have been in typoing this nonsense.

Do gadgets ever work? Of course they do! But, when they WORK, they become TOOLS!

Blessings to all of you today!

Block: "Cross & Crown", from the book "Sylvia's Bridal Sampler"


  1. Yep some of those gadgets are rediculous!! Just give me needle, thread, rotary cutter, mat and of course fabric and I'm a happy camper :0)


  2. I'm sort of in the middle. Have found some gadets/tools I now can't live without. But show restraint most of the time.

  3. Loved your gadget story. I get sucked in too, sometimes. I even have a box of rarely or never used gadgets. I just keep pushing that box back further and further. LOL Great block. Have a good day. Winona

  4. Riley, Yep, I'm a gadget girl, too LOL! I get sucked in just about every time. Every once in a while I find one that I love and use a lot, but most of them sit unused. BTW, I love the "Cross & Crown" block. It's yummy :)
