Monday, August 16, 2010

'Tis Monday!

Good Morning from Texas!
How's every little thing with all of you? Doing well, I hope.

I am up, had to get a load of company on the road westward for very early start & then the laundry began. That should be done perhaps in this lifetime, though I have my doubts? Thankfully, the cleaning lady will be here tomorrow & so I can get all this picked up & surprise her with the chaos that waits on her arrival.

I am running the sprinklers through for a second go around. It takes a water bill the size of the National Debt to keep it lush. Wonder if I could qualify for a stimulus bail out? :)

Ya'll have yourself a wonderful day, hear?
Block: 'Crow's Foot' from the book of "Sylvia's Bridal Sampler" by Jennifer Chiaverini
(Hopefully, I have not already showed this one as it was finished some weeks ago)


  1. Luckily my grass stayed green this year. I don't water, if God wants my grass to be green, then he must bring rain :0)

    Oooo I would love a cleaning lady!!


  2. Morning, Riley. We don't water, but still seem to have plenty of greenery to cut. LOL Of course this has been a much wetter year than normal. The important thing... the heat and humidity have moved on. It is downright pleasant outside. Buddy and I have been out quite a bit this morning. Another lovely block. Have a good day. Winona

  3. Great block! Have a great week!

  4. Riley, I drool over every one of your blocks -- They are all so pretty!

    We've been getting twice the normal amount of rain this summer, so our lawn grows much too fast for DH's liking. Though we never water the grass anyway, even in a drought. I do water some of my flowers, though.

    I'm jealous LOL! I want a cleaning lady, too :)
