Thursday, August 5, 2010

One past Hump Day, Hot Day, Summertime

Good Morning from Texas!

I don't have much news or happenings to post today as I spent the day yesterday straightening up the chaos from making those wretched curtains, then quilting a bit on Jane.

I did feel bad for thinking ugly thoughts on curtain making for that sweet child's room. I decided to make her a picture out of one of the blocks in the quilt. I appliqued her favorite block in the quilt & have it ready to slip in a frame. I think it will make a cute px to match out with her quilt. (I did ask her Mom) I had this oval mat so just used it. Will have to look in the storeroom for frames, am sure I have plenty of plain ones there.

Ya'll have yourselves a fabulous day, hear?


  1. Awww that's sweet :0) I can understand the grousing about the curtains, we are quilters NOT seamstresses LOL.


  2. Ohhh, that is so cute. I know she will love it. have a wonderful day. Winona
